Source code for program_files.urban_district_upscaling.pre_processing

    Gregor Becker -
    Christian Klemm -
    Janik Budde -
import datetime

import xlsxwriter
import pandas
import logging
import os
from import logger

import program_files.urban_district_upscaling.clustering as clustering_py
from program_files.urban_district_upscaling.components import (

[docs]def append_component(sheets: dict, sheet: str, comp_parameter: dict) -> dict: """ Within this method a component with the parameters stored in \ comp_parameter will be appended on the in sheets[sheet] stored\ pandas.DataFrame :param sheets: dictionary containing the pandas.Dataframes that\ will represent the model definition's Spreadsheets :type sheets: dict :param sheet: str which specifies which dict entry will be \ changed :type sheet: str :param comp_parameter: component parameters which will be \ appended as column on sheet :type comp_parameter: dict :return: - **sheets** (dict) - dictionary containing the \ pandas.Dataframes that will represent the model \ definition's Spreadsheets which was modified in this method """ # convert dict comp parameter in pandas Series series = pandas.Series(comp_parameter) # concat mew row on sheets[sheet] sheets[sheet] = pandas.concat([sheets[sheet], pandas.DataFrame([series])]) # return sheets dict with new row in sheets[sheet] return sheets
[docs]def read_standard_parameters(name: str, parameter_type: str, index: str, standard_parameters: pandas.ExcelFile ) -> (pandas.DataFrame, list): """ searches the right entry within the standard parameter sheet :param name: component's name :type name: str :param parameter_type: determines the technology type :type parameter_type: str :param index: defines on which column the index of the parsed \ Dataframe will be set in order to locate the component's \ name specific row :type index: str :param standard_parameters: pandas imported ExcelFile \ containing the non-building specific technology data :type standard_parameters: pandas.ExcelFile :raise: - **ValueError** - Error if the searched component \ type does not exist :return: - **standard_param** (pandas.Dataframe) - technology \ specific parameters of name - **standard_keys** (list) - technology specific keys \ of name """ # get the param_type sheet from standard parameters standard_param_df = standard_parameters.parse(parameter_type, na_filter=False) # reset the dataframes index to the index variable set in args standard_param_df.set_index(index, inplace=True) if name in list(standard_param_df.index): # locate the row labeled name standard_param = standard_param_df.loc[[name]] # get the keys of the located row standard_keys = standard_param.keys().tolist() # return parameters and keys return standard_param, standard_keys else: raise ValueError("The component type " + name + " does not exist.")
[docs]def create_standard_parameter_comp( specific_param: dict, standard_parameter_info: list, sheets, standard_parameters: pandas.ExcelFile) -> dict: """ creates a component with standard_parameters, based on the standard parameters given in the "standard_parameters" dataset and adds it to the "sheets"-output dataset. :param specific_param: dictionary holding the storage specific parameters (e.g. ng_storage specific, ...) :type specific_param: dict :param standard_parameter_info: \ list defining the component standard parameter label [0], \ the components type [1] and the index of the components \ standard parameter worksheets [2] :type standard_parameter_info: list :param sheets: dictionary containing the pandas.Dataframes that\ will represent the model definition's Spreadsheets :type sheets: dict :param standard_parameters: pandas imported ExcelFile \ containing the non-building specific technology data :type standard_parameters: pandas.ExcelFile :return: - **sheets** (dict) - dictionary containing the \ pandas.Dataframes that will represent the model \ definition's Spreadsheets """ # extracts the storage specific standard values from the # standard_parameters dataset standard_param, standard_keys = read_standard_parameters( name=standard_parameter_info[0], parameter_type=standard_parameter_info[1], index=standard_parameter_info[2], standard_parameters=standard_parameters ) # insert standard parameters in the components dataset (dict) for i in range(len(standard_keys)): specific_param[standard_keys[i]] = standard_param.loc[ standard_parameter_info[0], standard_keys[i]] # appends the new created component to storages sheet return append_component(sheets, standard_parameter_info[1][2:], specific_param)
[docs]def get_user_inserted_shortage_params(cost_column: str, emission_column: str, building: pandas.Series): """ Method to extract the building specific input for shortage \ costs or emissions. :param cost_column: str containing the cost column label :type cost_column: str :param emission_column: str containing the emission column label :type emission_column: str :param building: Series containing the upscaling table input row :type building: pandas.Series :return: - **costs** (float) - float containing the extracted \ costs value - **emissions** (float) - float containing the \ extracted costs value """ # extract the cost value from the building Series costs = building[cost_column] \ if building[cost_column] != "standard" else None # extract the emission value from the building Series emissions = building[emission_column] \ if building[emission_column] != "standard" else None return costs, emissions
[docs]def column_exists(building: pandas.Series, column: str) -> bool: """ Method which is used to check rather the column exists (True) within the building Series or not (False). :param building: Series which contains the building data :type building: pandas.Series :param column: label of the investigated column :type column: str :return: - **-** (bool) - boolean which signalizes whether \ the column exists or not """ # test rather the column exists try: building[column] # if an error is thrown return false except KeyError: return False # else return true else: return True
[docs]def represents_int(entry: str) -> bool: """ Method which is used to check rather the entry can be converted into an integer. :param entry: entry under investigation :type entry: str :return: **-** (bool) - boolean which signs rather the \ considered column is an integer or not """ # test rather the entry is convertible try: int(entry) # if an error is thrown return false except ValueError: return False # else return true else: return True
[docs]def load_input_data(plain_sheet: str, standard_parameter_path: str, us_input_sheet: str ) -> (dict, pandas.DataFrame, pandas.DataFrame, pandas.DataFrame, pandas.ExcelFile): """ This method is used to convert the three ExcelFiles necessary \ for the upscaling tool into pandas structures and then return \ them to the main method. :param plain_sheet: string containing the path to the plain \ sheet ExcelFile, the plain sheet is used to create an \ empty model definition file in which only the column names \ are entered. :type plain_sheet: str :param standard_parameter_path: string containing the path to \ the standard parameter ExcelFile :type plain_sheet: str :param us_input_sheet: string containing the path to the \ upscaling tool input file :type us_input_sheet: str :returns: - **sheets** (dict) - dictionary containing the \ pandas.Dataframes that will represent the \ model definition's Spreadsheets - **central** (pandas.DataFrame) - DataFrame \ holding the US-Input sheets' central component \ Spreadsheet - **parcel** (pandas.DataFrame) - DataFrame \ holding the US-Input sheets' parcel Spreadsheet - **tool** (pandas.DataFrame) - DataFrame \ holding the US-Input sheets' building data and \ building investment data - **standard_parameters** (pandas.ExcelFile) - \ pandas imported ExcelFile containing the \ non-building specific technology data """ sheets = {} # copy plain sheet to the sheets dict which will be the result of # the upscaling tool to export a model definition plain_sheet = pandas.ExcelFile(plain_sheet) for sheet in plain_sheet.sheet_names: sheets.update({sheet: plain_sheet.parse(sheet)}) # import the sheet which is filled by the user us_input_sheet_pd = pandas.ExcelFile(us_input_sheet) # create dict holding both building data sheets with index label join = {} bd_sheet = "1 - building data" bd_inv_sheet = "2 - building investment data" for sheet in [bd_sheet, bd_inv_sheet]: join.update({sheet: us_input_sheet_pd.parse(sheet)}) join[sheet].set_index("label", inplace=True, drop=True) # merge the two building data sheets tool = join[bd_sheet].join(join[bd_inv_sheet], how="inner") # return to numeric index tool.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=False) # remove unit column tool = tool.drop(0) # parse gchp areas parcel = us_input_sheet_pd.parse("2.1 - gchp areas") # parse central investment data and remove unit column central = us_input_sheet_pd.parse("3 - central investment data").drop(0) # load standard parameters from standard parameter file standard_parameters = pandas.ExcelFile(standard_parameter_path) return sheets, central, parcel, tool, standard_parameters
[docs]def get_central_comp_active_status(central: pandas.DataFrame, technology: str ) -> bool: """ Method used to check if the central component technology is \ enabled. :param central: pandas.DataFrame containing the central \ components' data from the upscaling tool input file :type central: pandas.DataFrame :param technology: central component to be checked :type technology: str :return: - **-** (bool) - return rather the technology is \ active (True) or not (False) """ entry = central.loc[central["technology"] == technology] if not entry.empty and entry["active"].values[0] not in ["No", "no", 0]: return True else: return False
[docs]def copying_sheets(paths: list, standard_parameters: pandas.ExcelFile, sheets: dict) -> dict: """ In this method, the data sheets that need to be transferred from the US input table to the model definition are transferred. For this purpose, the return data structure "sheets" is processed and then returned to the main method. :param paths: path of the upscaling input sheet file [0] \ path of the standard_parameter file [1] \ path to which the model definition should be \ created [2]\ path to plain sheet file (holding structure) [3] :type paths: list :param standard_parameters: pandas imported ExcelFile \ containing the non-building specific technology data :type standard_parameters: pandas.ExcelFile :param sheets: dictionary containing the pandas.Dataframes that\ will represent the model definition's Spreadsheets :type sheets: dict :return: - **sheets** (dict) - dictionary containing the \ pandas.Dataframes that will represent the model \ definition's Spreadsheets which was modified in this method """ # load the upscaling sheet names us_input = pandas.ExcelFile(paths[0]) # list of sheets which will only be copied and not filled by the # upscaling tool switch_dict = { "weather data": "4 - time series data", "time series": "4 - time series data", "energysystem": "energysystem", "district heating": "3.1 - streets", "pipe types": "8_district_heat_network" } # iterate threw the dict keys to copy each sheet for sheet_tbc in switch_dict.keys(): # if it's not a sheet from the upscaling sheet copy it from the # standard parameter sheet if switch_dict.get(sheet_tbc) not in us_input.sheet_names: sheets[sheet_tbc] = standard_parameters.parse( sheet_name=switch_dict.get(sheet_tbc), na_filter=False) # if it's a sheet from us sheet copy it from the upscaling sheet else: sheets[sheet_tbc] = us_input.parse( sheet_name=switch_dict.get(sheet_tbc), parse_dates=["timestamp"] if sheet_tbc in ["weather data", "time series"] else [], na_filter=False) return sheets
[docs]def urban_district_upscaling_pre_processing( paths: list, open_fred_list: list, clustering: bool, clustering_dh: bool ) -> (dict, dict): """ The Urban District Upscaling Pre Processing method is used to systematically create a model definition for a few 10 to a few hundred buildings based on a US input sheet filled in by the user, which includes investment alternative selection and building specific data to determine consumption and renovation status, and a spreadsheet which includes technology specific standard data (standard_parameter). :param paths: path of the upscaling input sheet file [0] \ path of the standard_parameter file [1] \ path to which the model definition should be \ created [2] \ path to plain sheet file (holding structure) [3] :type paths: list :param open_fred_list: boolean whether to download open fred \ data [0], longitude of the area under investigation [1], \ latitude of the area under investigation [2] :param clustering: boolean for decision rather the buildings \ are clustered spatially :type clustering: bool :param clustering_dh: boolean for decision rather the district \ heating connection will be clustered cluster_id wise :type clustering_dh: bool :returns: - **sheets** (dict) - dictionary containing the created \ model definition prepared to save as xlsx - **worksheets** (list) - list containing the sheet names \ of the created model definition """ from program_files.preprocessing.import_weather_data \ import import_open_fred_weather_data from program_files.GUI_st.GUI_st_global_functions import set_result_path timestamp ="%Y%m%d_%H_%M_%S") # define log_file logger.define_logging(logpath=os.path.join(set_result_path(), "Upscaling_Tool"), logfile=str(timestamp) + ".log", file_level=logging.INFO)"Creating model definition sheet...") # get all data needed for the upscaling tool and its export sheets, central, parcel, tool, standard_parameters = \ load_input_data(plain_sheet=paths[3], standard_parameter_path=paths[1], us_input_sheet=paths[0]) # copy the sheets which will not be filled by the upscaling tool # and have to be filled by the users us sheet and standard # parameter sheet input sheets = copying_sheets(paths=paths, standard_parameters=standard_parameters, sheets=sheets) # download the weather data from open energy platform if enabled if open_fred_list[0]: weather_data = import_open_fred_weather_data( nodes_data={ "weather data": pandas.DataFrame(), "energysystem": standard_parameters.parse("energysystem")}, lon=open_fred_list[1], lat=open_fred_list[2] ) for column in weather_data["weather data"].columns: sheets["weather data"][column] = \ weather_data["weather data"][column] # create central components sheets, electricity_exchange, p2g = Central_components.central_components( central=central, sheets=sheets, standard_parameters=standard_parameters ) gchps, sheets = Transformer.create_gchp( tool=tool, parcels=parcel, sheets=sheets, standard_parameters=standard_parameters) for num, building in tool[tool["active"] == 1].iterrows(): # create all buses which a standardized building needs sheets = create_building_buses_and_links( building=building, sheets=sheets, central_electricity_bus=electricity_exchange, standard_parameters=standard_parameters ) sheets = create_heat_pump_buses_links( building=building, gchps=gchps, sheets=sheets, standard_parameters=standard_parameters) sheets = Sink.create_sinks( building=building, standard_parameters=standard_parameters, sheets=sheets ) sheets = Insulation.create_building_insulation( building=building, sheets=sheets, standard_parameters=standard_parameters ) # create sources sheets = Source.create_sources( building=building, clustering=clustering, sheets=sheets, standard_parameters=standard_parameters ) # create transformer sheets = Transformer.building_transformer( building=building, p2g_link=p2g, sheets=sheets, standard_parameters=standard_parameters ) # create storages sheets = Storage.building_storages( building=building, sheets=sheets, standard_parameters=standard_parameters )["label"]) + " subsystem added to model definition sheet.") for technology in ["transformers", "storages"]: sheets[technology] = sheets[technology].drop( columns=["{} type".format(technology[:-1])]) sheets[technology] = sheets[technology].rename( columns={"{} type.1".format(technology[:-1]): "{} type".format(technology[:-1])}) if clustering: sheets = clustering_py.clustering_method( tool=tool, standard_parameters=standard_parameters, sheets=sheets, central_electricity_network=electricity_exchange, clustering_dh=clustering_dh, ) return sheets