Source code for program_files.urban_district_upscaling.components.Insulation

    Christian Klemm -
    Gregor Becker -
    Janik Budde -
import pandas

[docs]def create_building_insulation(building: dict, sheets: dict, standard_parameters: pandas.ExcelFile) -> dict: """ In this method, the U-value potentials as well as the building year-dependent U-value of the insulation types are obtained from the standard parameters to create the insulation components in the model definition. :param building: dictionary holding the building specific data :type building: dict :param sheets: dictionary containing the pandas.Dataframes that\ will represent the model definition's Spreadsheets :type sheets: dict :param standard_parameters: pandas imported ExcelFile \ containing the non-building specific technology data :type standard_parameters: pandas.ExcelFile :return: - **sheets** (dict) - dictionary containing the \ pandas.Dataframes that will represent the model \ definition's Spreadsheets which was modified in this method """ from program_files import append_component yoc_roof = building["year of construction roof"] yoc_wall = building["year of construction wall"] yoc_window = building["year of construction windows"] roof = building["rooftype"] yoc_component = [yoc_roof, yoc_wall, yoc_window] yoc_component_new = [yoc_component[i] if yoc_component[i] > 1918 else "<1918" for i in range(len(yoc_component))] building_component = ["roof", "outer wall", "window"] standard_param = standard_parameters.parse("7_insulation") standard_param.set_index("year of construction", inplace=True) u_values = {} for yoc, comp in zip(yoc_component_new, building_component): u_values.update( { comp: [ standard_param.loc[yoc][comp], standard_param.loc["potential"][comp], standard_param.loc["periodical costs"][comp], standard_param.loc["periodical constraint costs"][comp], ] } ) if comp == "roof": u_values[comp] += [ standard_param.loc["potential flat"]["roof"], standard_param.loc["periodical costs flat"]["roof"], standard_param.loc["periodical constraint costs flat"]["roof"], ] param_dict = { "active": 1, "existing": 0, "sink": str(building["label"]) + "_heat_demand", "temperature indoor": 20, "heat limit temperature": 15, } if building["area windows"]: window_dict = param_dict.copy() window_dict.update( { "label": str(building["label"]) + "_window", "U-value old": u_values["window"][0], "U-value new": u_values["window"][1], "area": building["area windows"], "periodical costs": u_values["window"][2], "periodical constraint costs": u_values["window"][3], } ) sheets = append_component(sheets, "insulation", window_dict) if building["area outer wall"]: wall_dict = param_dict.copy() wall_dict.update( { "label": str(building["label"]) + "_wall", "U-value old": u_values["outer wall"][0], "U-value new": u_values["outer wall"][1], "area": building["area outer wall"], "periodical costs": u_values["outer wall"][2], "periodical constraint costs": u_values["outer wall"][3], } ) sheets = append_component(sheets, "insulation", wall_dict) if building["area roof"]: u_value_new = u_values["roof"][4 if roof == "flat roof" else 1] periodical_costs = u_values["roof"][5 if roof == "flat roof" else 2] periodical_constr = u_values["roof"][3 if roof != "flat roof" else 6] roof_dict = param_dict.copy() roof_dict.update( { "label": str(building["label"]) + "_roof", "U-value old": u_values["roof"][0], "U-value new": u_value_new, "area": building["area roof"], "periodical costs": periodical_costs, "periodical constraint costs": periodical_constr, } ) sheets = append_component(sheets, "insulation", roof_dict) return sheets