Source code for program_files.urban_district_upscaling.components.Central_components

    Christian Klemm -
    Gregor Becker -
    Janik Budde -
import pandas

[docs]def create_central_heat_component( label: str, comp_type: str, bus: str, exchange_buses: dict, sheets: dict, standard_parameters: pandas.ExcelFile, flow_temp: str, gchp_list: list) -> dict: """ In this method, all heat supply systems are calculated for a heat input into the district heat network. :param label: defines the central component's label :type label: str :param comp_type: defines the component type :type comp_type: str :param bus: defines the output bus which is one of the heat input buses of the district heating network :type bus: str :param exchange_buses: defines rather the central exchange of the \ specified energy is possible or not :type exchange_buses: dict :param sheets: dictionary containing the pandas.Dataframes that\ will represent the model definition's Spreadsheets :type sheets: dict :param standard_parameters: pandas imported ExcelFile \ containing the non-building specific technology data :type standard_parameters: pandas.ExcelFile :param flow_temp: flow temperature of the central heating \ system (district heating) :type flow_temp: str :param gchp_list: list containing \ [0] the gchp potential area, [1] the length of the \ vertical heat exchanger relevant for GCHPs and [2] the \ heat extraction for the heat exchanger referring to the \ location :return: - **sheets** (dict) - dictionary containing the \ pandas.Dataframes that will represent the model \ definition's Spreadsheets which was modified in this method """ from program_files import Storage # CHPs if comp_type in ["natural gas_chp", "biogas_chp", "pellet_chp", "woodchips_chp"]: # check rather a central exchange of fuel type is possible if comp_type.split("_")[0] in exchange_buses: central_bus = exchange_buses[comp_type.split("_")[0] + "_exchange"] else: central_bus = False # create the central chp plant sheets = create_central_chp( label=label, fuel_type=comp_type.split("_")[0], output=bus, central_electricity_bus=exchange_buses["electricity_exchange"], central_fuel_bus=central_bus, sheets=sheets, standard_parameters=standard_parameters ) # Heating plants if comp_type in ["naturalgas_heating_plant", "biogas_heating_plant", "pellet_heating_plant", "woodchips_heating_plant"]: # check rather a central exchange of fuel type is possible if comp_type.split("_")[0] in exchange_buses: central_bus = exchange_buses[comp_type.split("_")[0] + "_exchange"] else: central_bus = False # create the central heating plant sheets = create_central_heating_transformer( label=label, fuel_type=comp_type.split("_")[0], output=bus, central_fuel_bus=central_bus, sheets=sheets, standard_parameters=standard_parameters ) # Heatpumps central_heatpump_indicator = 0 if comp_type in ["swhp_transformer", "ashp_transformer", "gchp_transformer"]: # create heatpump sheets = create_central_heatpump( label=label, specification=comp_type.split("_")[0], create_bus=True if central_heatpump_indicator == 0 else False, output=bus, central_electricity_bus=exchange_buses["electricity_exchange"], sheets=sheets, standard_parameters=standard_parameters, args={"area": gchp_list[0], "flow_temp": flow_temp, "length_geoth_probe": gchp_list[1], "heat_extraction": gchp_list[2]} ) # increase indicator to prevent duplex bus creation central_heatpump_indicator += 1 # create central thermal storage if comp_type == "thermal storage": sheets = Storage.create_storage( building_id="central_" + label, storage_type="thermal storage", de_centralized="central", sheets=sheets, standard_parameters=standard_parameters ) # power to gas system if comp_type == "power_to_gas": sheets = create_power_to_gas_system( label=label, output=bus, sheets=sheets, standard_parameters=standard_parameters) return sheets
[docs]def create_central_pv_st_sources(central: pandas.DataFrame, sheets: dict, standard_parameters: pandas.ExcelFile, electricity_exchange: bool) -> dict: """ In this method, the bus link construct for connecting central sources (PV and ST) to the energy system is created. The sources are then created and finally the sheets dict is returned. :param central: pandas Dataframe holding the information from \ the US-Input file "central" sheet :type central: pandas.Dataframe :param sheets: dictionary containing the pandas.Dataframes that\ will represent the model definition's Spreadsheets :type sheets: dict :param standard_parameters: pandas imported ExcelFile \ containing the non-building specific technology data :type standard_parameters: pandas.ExcelFile :param electricity_exchange: boolean indicating if the user \ has enabled the electricity exchange between buildings :type electricity_exchange: bool :return: - **sheets** (dict) - dictionary containing the \ pandas.Dataframes that will represent the model \ definition's Spreadsheets which was modified in this method """ from program_files.urban_district_upscaling.components import (Bus, Link, Source) # query central pv and st systems pv_st = central.query("(technology in ['st', 'pv&st']) and active == 1") # create central pv systems for _, row in pv_st.iterrows(): # search for the central st heat input bus in the central # investment data of the upscaling sheet st_dh_connection = central.query( "label == '{}' and active == 1".format(row["dh_connection"])) if len(st_dh_connection) >= 1: # create pv bus and its connection to the exchange bus if # activated if row["technology"] != "st": sheets = Bus.create_standard_parameter_bus( label=row["label"] + "_pv_bus", bus_type="electricity bus photovoltaic central", sheets=sheets, standard_parameters=standard_parameters ) if electricity_exchange: # link from pv bus to central electricity bus sheets = Link.create_link( label=row["label"] + "_pv_to_central_electricity_link", bus_1=row["label"] + "_pv_bus", bus_2="central_electricity_bus", link_type="electricity photovoltaic central " "link central", sheets=sheets, standard_parameters=standard_parameters ) # create electricity bus with shortage and its connection # to the central electricity bus to enable the use of # the central solar thermal option sheets = Bus.create_standard_parameter_bus( label=row["label"] + "_electricity_bus", bus_type="electricity bus solarthermal central", sheets=sheets, standard_parameters=standard_parameters ) if electricity_exchange: # link from central electricity bus to electricity bus # considering shortage option for the solar thermal # source sheets = Link.create_link( label=row["label"] + "_central_to_st_electricity_link", bus_1="central_electricity_bus", bus_2=row["label"] + "_electricity_bus", link_type="electricity central link solarthermal central", sheets=sheets, standard_parameters=standard_parameters ) # get the "boolean" state for pv and st corresponding to # the chosen technology switch_dict = {"pv&st": ["yes", "yes"], "st": ["yes", "no"]} st_column = switch_dict.get(str(row["technology"]), ["no"] * 2)[0] pv_column = switch_dict.get(str(row["technology"]), ["no"] * 2)[1] # get the inserted flow temperature from the upscaling # input sheet flow_temp = st_dh_connection["flow temperature"].iloc[0] # after collecting all necessary data for the central # sources create the Series needed and run the # create_sources method component = pandas.Series(data={ "label": row["label"], "building type": "central", "st %1d" % 1: st_column, "pv %1d" % 1: pv_column, "azimuth {}".format(1): row["azimuth"], "surface tilt {}".format(1): row["surface tilt"], "latitude": row["latitude"], "longitude": row["longitude"], "roof area {}".format(1): row["area"], "flow temperature": float(flow_temp), "solar thermal share": "standard" }) sheets = Source.create_sources( building=component, clustering=False, sheets=sheets, st_output="central_" + row["dh_connection"] + "_bus", standard_parameters=standard_parameters, central=True ) return sheets
[docs]def create_central_heat_bus_components(central: pandas.DataFrame, sheets: dict, standard_parameters: pandas.ExcelFile, exchange_buses: dict) -> dict: """ In this method, the components connected to a central heat bus are created and appended to the return dictionary sheets. :param central: pandas Dataframe holding the information from \ the US-Input file "central" sheet :type central: pandas.Dataframe :param sheets: dictionary containing the pandas.Dataframes that\ will represent the model definition's Spreadsheets :type sheets: dict :param standard_parameters: pandas imported ExcelFile \ containing the non-building specific technology data :type standard_parameters: pandas.ExcelFile :param exchange_buses: dictionary holding booleans indicating \ if the user has enabled electricity and/or naturalgas \ exchange :type exchange_buses: dict :return: - **sheets** (dict) - dictionary containing the \ pandas.Dataframes that will represent the model \ definition's Spreadsheets which was modified in this method """ from program_files.urban_district_upscaling.components import Bus # query active central heat input buses heat_input_buses = central.query( "(technology == 'heat_input_bus') and (active == 1)" ) # central heat supply if len(heat_input_buses) >= 1: for _, bus in heat_input_buses.iterrows(): # create bus which would be used as producer bus in # district heating network sheets = Bus.create_standard_parameter_bus( label="central_{}_bus".format(bus["label"]), bus_type="heat bus input central", coords=[bus["latitude"], bus["longitude"], "dh-system"], sheets=sheets, standard_parameters=standard_parameters ) buses_components = central.query( "dh_connection == '{}' and active == 1".format( bus["label"])) # create components connected to the producer bus for _, comp in buses_components.iterrows(): # create a list of gchp specific parameters if the # considered component is a gchp if comp["technology"] == "gchp_transformer": gchp_list = [comp["area"], comp["length of the geoth. probe"], comp["heat extraction"]] else: gchp_list = ["0"] * 3 # create the central heat component sheets = create_central_heat_component( label=comp["label"], comp_type=comp["technology"], bus="central_{}_bus".format(bus["label"]), exchange_buses=exchange_buses, sheets=sheets, gchp_list=gchp_list, standard_parameters=standard_parameters, flow_temp=bus["flow temperature"] ) return sheets
[docs]def create_central_timeseries_sources(central: pandas.DataFrame, sheets: dict, standard_parameters: pandas.ExcelFile, electricity_exchange: bool) -> dict: """ In this method, the user activated central timeseries sources their buses and links are created. :param central: pandas Dataframe holding the information from \ the US-Input file "central" sheet :type central: pandas.Dataframe :param sheets: dictionary containing the pandas.Dataframes that\ will represent the model definition's Spreadsheets :type sheets: dict :param standard_parameters: pandas imported ExcelFile \ containing the non-building specific technology data :type standard_parameters: pandas.ExcelFile :param electricity_exchange: boolean indicating if the user \ has activated the exchange of electricity between buildings :type electricity_exchange: dict :return: - **sheets** (dict) - dictionary containing the \ pandas.Dataframes that will represent the model \ definition's Spreadsheets which was modified in this method """ from program_files.urban_district_upscaling.components import (Bus, Link, Source) # query active central timeseries sources timeseries_sources = central.query( "(technology == 'timeseries_source') and (active == 1)" ) if len(timeseries_sources) >= 1: for _, source in timeseries_sources.iterrows(): # create output bus for the current considered timeseries # source sheets = Bus.create_standard_parameter_bus( label="central_" + source["label"] + "_electricity_bus", bus_type="electricity bus timeseries central", sheets=sheets, standard_parameters=standard_parameters ) # if the user has activated the exchange of electricity # between building add the link between the sources output # and the central electricity bus if electricity_exchange: sheets = Link.create_link( label="central_" + source["label"] + "_central_electricity_link", bus_1="central_" + source["label"] + "_electricity_bus", bus_2="central_electricity_bus", link_type="electricity timeseries central link central", sheets=sheets, standard_parameters=standard_parameters ) # create the considered timeseries source sheets = Source.create_timeseries_source( sheets=sheets, label="central_" + source["label"], output="central_" + source["label"] + "_electricity_bus", standard_parameters=standard_parameters ) return sheets
[docs]def central_components(central: pandas.DataFrame, sheets: dict, standard_parameters: pandas.ExcelFile ) -> (dict, bool, bool): """ In this method, the central components of the energy system are added to the model definition, first checking if a heating network is foreseen and if so, creating the feeding components, and then creating Power to Gas and battery storage if defined in the US-Input sheet. :param central: pandas Dataframe holding the information from \ the US-Input file "central" sheet :type central: pandas.Dataframe :param sheets: dictionary containing the pandas.Dataframes that\ will represent the model definition's Spreadsheets :type sheets: dict :param standard_parameters: pandas imported ExcelFile \ containing the non-building specific technology data :type standard_parameters: pandas.ExcelFile :return: - **sheets** (dict) - dictionary containing the \ pandas.Dataframes that will represent the model \ definition's Spreadsheets which was modified in this method """ from program_files import Bus, Storage, get_central_comp_active_status # check if the user has activated central electricity exchange # between the given buildings by enabling electricity_exchange in # the central us sheet electricity_exchange = get_central_comp_active_status( central=central, technology="electricity_exchange" ) # check if the user has activated power to gas systems by enabling # power_to_gas in the central us sheet p2g = get_central_comp_active_status( central=central, technology="power_to_gas" ) # create the central electricity bus for the exchange of # electricity between buildings if electricity_exchange: sheets = Bus.create_standard_parameter_bus( label="central_electricity_bus", bus_type="electricity bus central", sheets=sheets, standard_parameters=standard_parameters ) # append all central source to the sheets dictionary sheets = create_central_pv_st_sources( central=central, sheets=sheets, standard_parameters=standard_parameters, electricity_exchange=electricity_exchange ) # create the components connected to the central heat bus sheets = create_central_heat_bus_components( central=central, sheets=sheets, standard_parameters=standard_parameters, exchange_buses={"electricity_exchange": electricity_exchange, "naturalgas_exchange": p2g}) sheets = create_central_timeseries_sources( central=central, sheets=sheets, standard_parameters=standard_parameters, electricity_exchange=electricity_exchange ) # central battery storage if get_central_comp_active_status(central=central, technology="battery"): sheets = Storage.create_storage( building_id="central", storage_type="battery storage", de_centralized="central", sheets=sheets, standard_parameters=standard_parameters ) return sheets, electricity_exchange, p2g
[docs]def create_power_to_gas_system(label: str, output: str, sheets: dict, standard_parameters: pandas.ExcelFile) -> dict: """ In this method, a central power to gas system is created, for this purpose the necessary data set is obtained from the standard parameter sheet, and the components are attached to the transformers, the storages and the buses sheet. :param label: str containing the label of the heatpump to be \ created :type label: str :param output: define the heat output bus for the power to gas \ components :type output: str :param sheets: dictionary containing the pandas.Dataframes that\ will represent the model definition's Spreadsheets :type sheets: dict :param standard_parameters: pandas imported ExcelFile \ containing the non-building specific technology data :type standard_parameters: pandas.ExcelFile :return: - **sheets** (dict) - dictionary containing the \ pandas.Dataframes that will represent the model \ definition's Spreadsheets which was modified in this method """ from program_files import Bus, Transformer, Storage, Link # create the h2 and the central natural gas bus if they do not exist for bus_type in ["natural gas bus central", "hydrogen bus central"]: type_list = bus_type.split(" ") type_list_short = list(type_list[:len(type_list) - 1]) label = str(type_list[-1]) for i in type_list_short: label += ("_" + i) if (len(sheets["buses"]) == 0 or bus_type not in sheets["buses"]["label"].to_list()): # h2 bus sheets = Bus.create_standard_parameter_bus( label=label, bus_type=bus_type, sheets=sheets, standard_parameters=standard_parameters ) transformer_dict = \ {"electrolysis ": output, "methanization ": output, "fuel cell ": label[:-4] + "_heat_bus"} # create the electrolysis and the methanization transformer for transformer in transformer_dict: if transformer == "fuel cell ": # links sheets = Link.create_link( label=label[:-4] + '_heat_link', bus_1=label[:-4] + '_heat_bus', bus_2=output, link_type="heat fuel cell central link central", sheets=sheets, standard_parameters=standard_parameters) # separate heat bus for the fuelcell sheets = Bus.create_standard_parameter_bus( label=label[:-4] + '_heat_bus', bus_type="heat bus fuel cell central", sheets=sheets, standard_parameters=standard_parameters) sheets = Transformer.create_transformer( label=label[:-4], transformer_type=transformer, output=transformer_dict.get(transformer), sheets=sheets, standard_parameters=standard_parameters, de_centralized="central", # since flow temp does not influence the Generic # Transformer's efficiency it is set to 0 flow_temp="0" ) # storages for storage_type in ["hydrogen storage steel cylinder", "natural gas storage steel cylinder"]: if (len(sheets["storages"]) == 0 or storage_type not in sheets["storages"]["label"].to_list()): # storages sheets = Storage.create_storage( building_id="central", storage_type=storage_type, de_centralized="central", sheets=sheets, standard_parameters=standard_parameters ) return sheets
[docs]def create_central_heatpump(label: str, specification: str, create_bus: bool, central_electricity_bus: bool, output: str, sheets: dict, standard_parameters: pandas.ExcelFile, args: dict) -> dict: """ In this method, a central heatpump unit is created, for this purpose the necessary data set is obtained from the standard parameter sheet, and the component is attached to the transformers sheet. :param label: str containing the label of the heatpump to be \ created :type label: str :param specification: string giving the information which type of heatpump shall be added. :type specification: str :param create_bus: indicates whether a central heatpump electricity bus and further parameters shall be created or not. :type create_bus: bool :param central_electricity_bus: indicates whether a central electricity exists :type central_electricity_bus: bool :param output: str containing the heatpump's output bus label :type output: str :param sheets: dictionary containing the pandas.Dataframes that\ will represent the model definition's Spreadsheets :type sheets: dict :param standard_parameters: pandas imported ExcelFile \ containing the non-building specific technology data :type standard_parameters: pandas.ExcelFile :param args: dictionary containing additional arguments (area, flow_temp, length_geoth_probe, heat_extraction) :type args: dict :return: - **sheets** (dict) - dictionary containing the \ pandas.Dataframes that will represent the model \ definition's Spreadsheets which was modified in this method """ from program_files import Bus, Transformer, Link if (create_bus and (len(sheets["buses"]) == 0 or "central_heatpump_electricity_bus" not in sheets["buses"]["label"].to_list())): # create central heatpump electricity bus sheets = Bus.create_standard_parameter_bus( label="central_heatpump_electricity_bus", bus_type="electricity bus heat pump central", sheets=sheets, standard_parameters=standard_parameters ) # connect the heatpump electricity bus to central # electricity bus if central_electricity_bus: sheets = Link.create_link( label="central_heatpump_electricity_link", bus_1="central_electricity_bus", bus_2="central_heatpump_electricity_bus", link_type="electricity central link heat pump central ", sheets=sheets, standard_parameters=standard_parameters ) # create the heatpump return Transformer.create_transformer( label=label, de_centralized="central", output=output, fuel_type=specification, transformer_type="heat pump " + specification, sheets=sheets, standard_parameters=standard_parameters, **args )
[docs]def create_central_heating_transformer( label: str, fuel_type: str, output: str, central_fuel_bus: bool, sheets: dict, standard_parameters: pandas.ExcelFile) -> dict: """ In this method, a central heating plant unit with specified gas type is created, for this purpose the necessary data set is obtained from the standard parameter sheet, and the component is attached to the transformers sheet. :param label: defines the central heating plant's label :type label: str :param fuel_type: string which defines the heating plants fuel \ type :type fuel_type: str :param output: str containing the transformers output :type output: str :param central_fuel_bus: defines rather a central fuel exchange\ is possible or not :type central_fuel_bus: bool :param sheets: dictionary containing the pandas.Dataframes that\ will represent the model definition's Spreadsheets :type sheets: dict :param standard_parameters: pandas imported ExcelFile \ containing the non-building specific technology data :type standard_parameters: pandas.ExcelFile :return: - **sheets** (dict) - dictionary containing the \ pandas.Dataframes that will represent the model \ definition's Spreadsheets which was modified in this method """ from program_files import Bus, Transformer, Link fuel_type_wo_gaps = fuel_type.replace(" ", "_") if (len(sheets["buses"]) == 0 or ("central_" + label + "_" + fuel_type_wo_gaps + "_bus" not in list(sheets["buses"]["label"]))): # plant gas bus sheets = Bus.create_standard_parameter_bus( label="central_" + label + "_" + fuel_type_wo_gaps + "_bus", bus_type=fuel_type + " bus central", sheets=sheets, standard_parameters=standard_parameters ) # create a link to the central fuel exchange bus if the fuel # exchange is possible if central_fuel_bus: sheets = Link.create_link( label="central_heating_plant_" + label + "_link", bus_1="central_" + fuel_type_wo_gaps + "_bus", bus_2="central_" + label + "_" + fuel_type_wo_gaps + "_bus", link_type=fuel_type + " central link heating plant central", sheets=sheets, standard_parameters=standard_parameters ) if "gas" in fuel_type: category = "gas" elif fuel_type in ["pellet", "woodchip"]: category = "biomass" else: category = "oil" fuel_type += " " # create the heating plant and return the sheets dict return Transformer.create_transformer( label="central_" + label, fuel_type=fuel_type, output=output, sheets=sheets, de_centralized="central", transformer_type=category + " heating " + fuel_type, standard_parameters=standard_parameters, category=category, # since flow temp does not influence the Generic # Transformer's efficiency it is set to 0 flow_temp="0" )
[docs]def create_central_chp( label: str, fuel_type: str, output: str, central_electricity_bus: bool, central_fuel_bus: bool, sheets: dict, standard_parameters: pandas.ExcelFile) -> dict: """ In this method, a central CHP unit with specified gas type is created, for this purpose the necessary data set is obtained from the standard parameter sheet, and the component is attached to the transformers sheet. :param label: defines the central heating plant's label :type label: str :param fuel_type: string which defines the heating plants fuel \ type :type fuel_type: str :param output: string containing the transformers output :type output: str :param central_electricity_bus: determines if the central power \ exchange exists :type central_electricity_bus: bool :param central_fuel_bus: defines rather a central fuel exchange\ is possible or not :type central_fuel_bus: bool :param sheets: dictionary containing the pandas.Dataframes that\ will represent the model definition's Spreadsheets :type sheets: dict :param standard_parameters: pandas imported ExcelFile \ containing the non-building specific technology data :type standard_parameters: pandas.ExcelFile :return: - **sheets** (dict) - dictionary containing the \ pandas.Dataframes that will represent the model \ definition's Spreadsheets which was modified in this method """ from program_files import Bus, Transformer, Link fuel_type_wo_gaps = fuel_type.replace(" ", "_") if (len(sheets["buses"]) == 0 or ("central_" + label + "_" + fuel_type_wo_gaps + "_bus" not in list(sheets["buses"]["label"]))): # create the CHP fuel bus sheets = Bus.create_standard_parameter_bus( label="central_" + label + "_" + fuel_type_wo_gaps + "_bus", bus_type=fuel_type + " bus combined heat and power central", sheets=sheets, standard_parameters=standard_parameters ) # create the CHP electricity output bus sheets = Bus.create_standard_parameter_bus( label="central_" + label + "_electricity_bus", bus_type="electricity bus combined heat and power " + fuel_type + " central", sheets=sheets, standard_parameters=standard_parameters ) # create the link between CHP electricity output and central bus if central_electricity_bus: sheets = Link.create_link( label="central_" + label + "_electricity_central_link", bus_1="central_" + label + "_electricity_bus", bus_2="central_electricity_bus", link_type="electricity combined heat and power " + fuel_type + " central link central", sheets=sheets, standard_parameters=standard_parameters ) # create a link to the central fuel exchange bus if the fuel # exchange is possible if central_fuel_bus: sheets = Link.create_link( label="central_" + label + "_" + fuel_type_wo_gaps + "_link", bus_1="central_" + fuel_type_wo_gaps + "_bus", bus_2="central_" + label + "_" + fuel_type_wo_gaps + "_bus", link_type=fuel_type + " central link combined heat and power central", sheets=sheets, standard_parameters=standard_parameters ) fuel_type += " " # create the CHP and return the sheets dict return Transformer.create_transformer( transformer_type="combined heat and power " + fuel_type, label="central_" + label, fuel_type=fuel_type, output=output, sheets=sheets, de_centralized="central", standard_parameters=standard_parameters, # since flow temp does not influence the Generic # Transformer's efficiency it is set to 0 flow_temp="0" )