Source code for program_files.preprocessing.data_preparation_algorithms.slicing

    Christian Klemm -
import pandas

from program_files.preprocessing.data_preparation \
    import extract_single_periods, variable_costs_date_adaption

[docs]def adaption_energy_system_parameter(prep_weather_data: pandas.DataFrame, nodes_data: dict, period: str, weather_data: pandas.DataFrame) -> None: """ Within this method the adaption clusters are calculated and the energy system parameters are adapted afterwards. :param prep_weather_data: dataframe containing the sliced \ weather data data frame :type prep_weather_data: pandas.DataFrame :param nodes_data: dictionary containing the model \ definition's data :type nodes_data: dict :param period: str containing the slicing period type chosen \ within the GUI :type period: str :param weather_data: unsliced weather data DataFrame :type weather_data: pandas.DataFrame :raise: - **ValueError** - Error raised if the chosen period \ is not supported """ # Rename columns of the new weather_dataset prep_weather_data['timestamp'] = \ weather_data['timestamp'][:len(prep_weather_data)] # Replaces the weather data set in nodes_data by the new one nodes_data['weather data'] = prep_weather_data if period == 'days': adaption_clusters = len(prep_weather_data) / 24 elif period == 'weeks': adaption_clusters = len(prep_weather_data) / (24 * 7) elif period == 'hours': adaption_clusters = len(prep_weather_data) else: raise ValueError("Non supported period") # Adapts Other Parameters (despite weather data) of the energy system variable_costs_date_adaption(nodes_data=nodes_data, clusters=adaption_clusters, period=period)
[docs]def data_set_slicing(n_days: int, data_set: pandas.DataFrame, period: str ) -> pandas.DataFrame: """ uses every n-th period of the given data_set and cuts the rest out of the data_set :param n_days: defines which period is chosen :type n_days: int :param data_set: data to be sliced :type data_set: pandas.core.frame.Dataframe :param period: defines rather hours, days or weeks were selected :type period: str :return: - **prep_data_set** (pandas.DataFrame) - return the \ sliced pandas.DataFrame """ column_names = [data_set.columns[i] for i in range(1, len(data_set.columns))] prep_data_set = pandas.DataFrame() # Loop for every column of the weather data set for i in range(len(column_names)): # Extract individual weather data set for the current weather # data column data_set_column = extract_single_periods(data_set=data_set, column_name=column_names[i], period=period) # If the data set is not divisible by the corresponding number # of periods, the data set is shortened accordingly if len(data_set_column) % n_days > 0: data_set_column = \ data_set_column[0:-(len(data_set_column) % n_days)] sliced_column = data_set_column[0::n_days] reference_data_set = [] for j in range(len(sliced_column)): reference_data_set = reference_data_set + sliced_column[j] # Appends the calculated reference days for the current weather # data column to the final weather data set prep_data_set[column_names[i]] = reference_data_set return prep_data_set
[docs]def data_set_slicing2(n_days: int, data_set: pandas.DataFrame, period: str ) -> pandas.DataFrame: """ cuts out every nth period from the given data_set and leaves the remaining periods for further consideration :param n_days: defines which period is sliced :type n_days: int :param data_set: data to be sliced :type data_set: pandas.core.frame.Dataframe :param period: defines rather hours, days or weeks were selected :type period: str :return: - **prep_data_set** (pandas.DataFrame) - return the \ sliced pandas.DataFrame """ column_names = [data_set.columns[i] for i in range(1, len(data_set.columns))] prep_data_set = pandas.DataFrame() # Loop for every column of the weather data set for i in range(len(column_names)): # Extract individual weather data set for the current weather # data column data_set_column = extract_single_periods(data_set=data_set, column_name=column_names[i], period=period) # If the data set is not divisible by the corresponding number # of periods, the data set is shortened accordingly if len(data_set_column) % n_days > 0: data_set_column = data_set_column[ 0:-(len(data_set_column) % n_days)] sliced_column = data_set_column del sliced_column[n_days - 1::n_days] reference_data_set = [] for j in range(len(sliced_column)): reference_data_set = reference_data_set + sliced_column[j] # Appends the calculated reference days for the current weather # data column to the final weather data set prep_data_set[column_names[i]] = reference_data_set return prep_data_set
[docs]def timeseries_slicing(n_days: int, nodes_data: dict, period: str) -> None: """ uses every n-th period of the given data_set and cuts the rest out of the data_set :param n_days: defines which period is chosen :type n_days: int :param nodes_data: data to be sliced :type nodes_data: dict :param period: defines rather hours, days or weeks were selected :type period: str """ weather_data = nodes_data['weather data'] data_set = nodes_data['weather data'] prep_weather_data = data_set_slicing(n_days, data_set=data_set, period=period) adaption_energy_system_parameter(prep_weather_data=prep_weather_data, nodes_data=nodes_data, period=period, weather_data=weather_data) prep_timeseries = data_set_slicing(n_days, data_set=nodes_data['timeseries'], period=period) prep_timeseries['timestamp'] = \ nodes_data['timeseries']['timestamp'][:len(prep_weather_data)] nodes_data['timeseries'] = prep_timeseries
[docs]def timeseries_slicing2(n_days: int, nodes_data: dict, period: str) -> None: """ cuts out every nth period from the given data_set and leaves the remaining periods for further consideration :param n_days: defines which period is sliced :type n_days: int :param nodes_data: data to be sliced :type nodes_data: dict :param period: defines rather hours, days or weeks were selected :type period: str """ weather_data = nodes_data['weather data'] data_set = nodes_data['weather data'] prep_weather_data = data_set_slicing2(n_days, data_set=data_set, period=period) adaption_energy_system_parameter(prep_weather_data=prep_weather_data, nodes_data=nodes_data, period=period, weather_data=weather_data) prep_timeseries = data_set_slicing2(n_days, data_set=nodes_data['timeseries'], period=period) prep_timeseries['timestamp'] = \ nodes_data['timeseries']['timestamp'][:len(prep_weather_data)] nodes_data['timeseries'] = prep_timeseries