Source code for program_files.preprocessing.data_preparation

    Christian Klemm -
import pandas
import numpy as np
import demandlib.bdew as bdew
from datetime import datetime
import logging

[docs]def extract_single_periods(data_set: pandas.DataFrame, column_name: str, period: str) -> list: """ Extracts individual periods of a certain column of a weather data set as lists. Caution: weather data set must be available in hourly resolution! :param data_set: weather data set to be extracted :type data_set: pandas.DataFrame :param column_name: column name of which the extraction should be applied :type column_name: str :param period: indicates what kind of periods shall be \ extracted. Possible arguments: "days", "weeks", "hours". :type period: str :return: - **cluster_vectors** (list) - list, containing a \ list/vector for every single day """ # dictionary holding the factor which the clusters are divided by factor_dict = {"hours": 1, "days": 24, "weeks": 168} # extract data_set of cluster_criterion cluster_df = data_set[column_name] # extract single periods as lists and add them to a list cluster_vectors = [] timesteps = factor_dict.get(str(period)) # iterate threw the length of the timeseries after shortening for i in range(0, int(len(cluster_df) / timesteps)): cluster_vector = [] for j in range(timesteps): cluster_vector.append(cluster_df[i * timesteps + j]) cluster_vectors.append(cluster_vector) # returns the list with extracted day data sets return cluster_vectors
[docs]def calculate_cluster_means(data_set: pandas.DataFrame, cluster_number: int, cluster_labels, period: str) -> pandas.DataFrame: """ Determines weather averages of the individual clusters for a weather dataset, based on predetermined cluster allocation. Caution: weather data set must be available in hourly resolution! :param data_set: data_set, the clusters should be applied to :type data_set: pandas.DataFrame :param cluster_number: Number of clusters :type cluster_number: int :param cluster_labels: Chronological list, which days of the weather data set belongs to which cluster :type cluster_labels: np.array :param period: defines rather days or weeks were selected :type period: str :return: - **prep_data_set** (pandas.core.frame.Dataframe) - \ pandas dataframe containing the prepared weather data set """ column_names = [data_set.columns[i] for i in range(1, len(data_set.columns))] # Define pandas Dataframe for final data_set prep_data_set = pandas.DataFrame() # Loop for every column of the weather data set for i in range(len(column_names)): # Extract individual weather data set for the current weather # data column data_set_column = extract_single_periods(data_set=data_set, column_name=column_names[i], period=period) # Define empty list used later reference_data_set = [] # Loop for every k_means cluster for j in range(0, cluster_number): # Define empty list used later cluster_dataset = [] # Loop for every day of the weather data set for k in range(len(data_set_column)): # if the day belongs to the current cluster, it will be # appended to 'cluster_dataset' if cluster_labels[k] == j: cluster_dataset.append(data_set_column[k]) # Calculates the mean for ever hour of the current cluster cluster_dataset_array = np.array(cluster_dataset) # Appends the calculated mean values to the 'reference_data_ # set' list reference_data_set += cluster_dataset_array.mean(axis=0).tolist() # Appends the calculated reference days for the current weather # data column to the final weather data set prep_data_set[column_names[i]] = reference_data_set return prep_data_set
[docs]def append_timeseries_to_weatherdata_sheet(nodes_data: dict ) -> pandas.DataFrame: """ Merges the time series of the weather data set and the time series. This allows the weather data and time series to be processed together for cluster algorithms, reducing the error-proneness of separate processing. :param nodes_data: dictionary containing the data of the \ user's model definition file :type nodes_data: dict :return: **nodes_data ["timeseries"]** \ (pandas.core.frame.DataFrame) - DataFrame containing the \ updated model definition timeseries data """ # Adding the weather data set to the timeseries data set nodes_data['timeseries'] = nodes_data['timeseries'].merge( nodes_data['weather data'], how='inner', left_index=True, right_index=True) # Correction of duplicate names/columns for column_name in list(nodes_data['timeseries'].columns.values): # if a column was in both of the panda data frames, they are indexed # with the ending "_x" and "_y". Those are identified, and renamed, # respectively deleted. if column_name[-2:] == "_x": nodes_data['timeseries'].rename(columns={ column_name: column_name[:-2]}, inplace=True) elif column_name[-2:] == "_y": del nodes_data['timeseries'][column_name] return nodes_data['timeseries']
[docs]def variable_costs_date_adaption(nodes_data: dict, clusters: int, period: str ) -> None: """ To be able to work with the adapted weather data set some parameters from nodes_data must be changed. :param nodes_data: dict containing the model definition's \ spreadsheets data :type nodes_data: dict :param clusters: Number of clusters :type clusters: int :param period: defines rather hours, days or weeks were selected :type period: str """ factor_dict = {"hours": 1, "days": 24, "weeks": 168} timesteps = factor_dict.get(period) variable_cost_factor = \ (int(nodes_data['energysystem']['periods'].iloc[0]) / (timesteps * clusters)) # log the calculated variable cost factor'\t VARIABLE COST FACTOR')"\t " + str(variable_cost_factor)) # Adapting Costs and Constraint Costs for sheet in nodes_data: for column in nodes_data[sheet].columns: if (sheet == "buses" and "costs" in column) \ or ("variable" in column): nodes_data[sheet][column] *= variable_cost_factor # Adapting Demands nodes_data['sinks']['annual demand'] /= variable_cost_factor timedelta = str(clusters * timesteps - 1) + ' hours' nodes_data['energysystem']['end date'] = \ nodes_data['energysystem']['start date'] \ + pandas.Timedelta(timedelta) nodes_data['energysystem']['periods'] = (timesteps * clusters)
[docs]def slp_sink_adaption(nodes_data: dict) -> None: """ calculates the standard load profile timeseries, saves them to the timeseries data-sheet and changes the timeseries-reference for the respective sinks within the sinks-sheet. This step is required, so that the slp-timeseries will be considered during the timeseries adaptions. :param nodes_data: dict containing the data from the user's \ model definition :type nodes_data: dict """ # Lists of possible standard load profiles heat_slp_list = ['efh', 'mfh'] heat_slp_com = ['gmf', 'gpd', 'ghd', 'gwa', 'ggb', 'gko', 'gbd', 'gba', 'gmk', 'gbh', 'gga', 'gha'] elec_slp_list = ['h0', 'g0', 'g1', 'g2', 'g3', 'g4', 'g5', 'g6', 'l0', 'l1', 'l2'] # create a copy of the weather data sheet weather_data = nodes_data["weather data"].copy() # Creating Timesystem and Dataframe (required for the creation of # standard load profiles) ts = next(nodes_data['energysystem'].iterrows())[1] temp_resolution = str(ts['temporal resolution']) periods = int(ts["periods"]) start_date = str(ts['start date']) start_date = datetime.strptime(start_date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # Creating standard load profile time series for sinks referring to # heat or electric standard load profiles for i, j in nodes_data["sinks"].iterrows(): demand = pandas.DataFrame( index=pandas.date_range(datetime(start_date.year, start_date.month,, start_date.hour), periods=periods, freq=temp_resolution)) if j["load profile"] in heat_slp_list + heat_slp_com: # sets the parameters of the heat slps args = {'temperature': weather_data['temperature'], 'shlp_type': j["load profile"], 'wind_class': j['wind class'], 'annual_heat_demand': j['annual demand'], 'name': j['load profile']} if j["load profile"] in heat_slp_list: args.update({'building_class': j['building class']}) # Add heat SLP to Timeseries-Dataframe slp = bdew.HeatBuilding(demand.index, **args).get_bdew_profile() nodes_data['timeseries'].insert( loc=len(nodes_data['timeseries'].columns), column=j["label"] + '.fix', value=slp.tolist()) # Replacing SLP-index with timeseries index nodes_data["sinks"].at[i, 'load profile'] = 'timeseries' # Replacing Nominal-Value nodes_data["sinks"].at[i, 'nominal value'] = 1 # creates time series for electricity slps elif j["load profile"] in elec_slp_list: year = datetime.strptime(str(ts['start date']), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').year # Imports standard load profiles e_slp = bdew.ElecSlp(year) demand = e_slp.get_profile({j['load profile']: 1}) # creates time series based on standard load profiles slp = demand.resample(temp_resolution).mean() slp_list = [item for sublist in slp.values.tolist() for item in sublist] del slp_list[:-int(ts['periods'])] nodes_data['timeseries'].insert( loc=len(nodes_data['timeseries'].columns), column=j["label"] + '.fix', value=slp_list) # nodes_data['timeseries'].append(slp, ignore_index=True) # Replacing SLP-index with timeseries index nodes_data["sinks"].at[i, 'load profile'] = 'timeseries' # Replacing Nominal-Value nodes_data["sinks"].at[i, 'nominal value'] = j['annual demand'] elif j["load profile"] == "timeseries": pass else: raise ValueError('Invalid Load Profile for ' + str(j["label"]))
[docs]def timeseries_adaption(nodes_data: dict, clusters: int, cluster_labels: np.array, period: str) -> None: """ In this method, the cluster mean is calculated first and then the timestamps of the timeseries sheet are adjusted. The newly created timeseries sheet is set as the timeseries sheet for the nodes data dictionary in the last step. :param nodes_data: system parameters imported from the users \ model definition spread sheet :type nodes_data: dict :param clusters: Number of clusters :type clusters: int :param cluster_labels: Chronological list, which days of the \ weather data set belongs to which cluster :type cluster_labels: np.array :param period: defines rather hours, days or weeks were selected :type period: str """ prep_timeseries = \ calculate_cluster_means(data_set=nodes_data['timeseries'].copy(), cluster_number=clusters, cluster_labels=cluster_labels, period=period) clusters = len(nodes_data["timeseries"]) // len(nodes_data["weather data"]) # dictionary holding the factor the timeseries length is divided by cluster_dict = {'hours': 1, "days": clusters, "weeks": (clusters * 7)} # Rename columns of the new timeseries-dataset prep_timeseries['timestamp'] = \ nodes_data['timeseries']['timestamp'][ :int(len(nodes_data['timeseries']) / cluster_dict.get(period))] # change the nodes data timeseries sheet to the new prepared one nodes_data['timeseries'] = prep_timeseries
[docs]def timeseries_preparation(timeseries_prep_param: list, nodes_data: dict, result_path: str) -> None: """ Evaluates the passed parameters for timeseries preparation and starts the corresponding simplification/clustering algorithm. :param timeseries_prep_param: List of timeseries preparation \ parameters with the scheme [algorithm, cluster_index, \ cluster_criterion, cluster_period, cluster_season] :type timeseries_prep_param: list :param nodes_data: Dictionary containing the energy systems \ resulting from the user's model definition :type nodes_data: dict :param result_path: path where the modified model definition \ file will be stored after timeseries adaption :type result_path: str """ from program_files.preprocessing.data_preparation_algorithms \ import slicing, downsampling, averaging, heuristic_selection, \ random_sampling, k_means_medoids data_prep = timeseries_prep_param[0] days_per_cluster = timeseries_prep_param[1] n_timesteps = timeseries_prep_param[1] cluster_criterion = timeseries_prep_param[2] cluster_period = timeseries_prep_param[3] cluster_seasons = int(timeseries_prep_param[4]) if data_prep != 'none': # Adapting Standard Load Profile-Sinks slp_sink_adaption(nodes_data=nodes_data) # K-MEANS ALGORITHM if data_prep == 'k_means': k_means_medoids.k_means_algorithm(cluster_period=cluster_period, days_per_cluster=days_per_cluster, criterion=cluster_criterion, nodes_data=nodes_data, period=cluster_period) # K-MEDOIDS ALGORITHM elif data_prep == 'k_medoids': k_means_medoids.k_medoids_algorithm(cluster_period=cluster_period, days_per_cluster=days_per_cluster, criterion=cluster_criterion, nodes_data=nodes_data, period=cluster_period) # AVERAGING ALGORITHM elif data_prep == 'averaging': averaging.timeseries_averaging(cluster_period=cluster_period, days_per_cluster=days_per_cluster, nodes_data=nodes_data, period=cluster_period) # SLICING ALGORITHM # use every n-th period elif data_prep == 'slicing A': slicing.timeseries_slicing(n_days=int(days_per_cluster), nodes_data=nodes_data, period=cluster_period) # delete every n-th period elif data_prep == 'slicing B': slicing.timeseries_slicing2(n_days=int(days_per_cluster), nodes_data=nodes_data, period=cluster_period) # DOWNSAMPLING ALGORITHM # use every n-th period elif data_prep == 'downsampling A': downsampling.timeseries_downsampling(nodes_data=nodes_data, n_timesteps=int(n_timesteps)) # delete every n-th period elif data_prep == 'downsampling B': downsampling.timeseries_downsampling2(nodes_data=nodes_data, n_timesteps=int(n_timesteps)) # HEURISTIC SELECTION ALGORITHM elif data_prep == 'heuristic selection': heuristic_selection.hierarchical_selection(nodes_data=nodes_data, scheme=int(n_timesteps), period=cluster_period, seasons=cluster_seasons) elif data_prep == 'random sampling': random_sampling.random_sampling(nodes_data=nodes_data, period=cluster_period, number_of_samples=int(n_timesteps)) # ADAPTS THE PARAMETERS OF THE ENERGY SYSTEM if data_prep != 'none': path = result_path + "/modified_model_definition.xlsx" writer = pandas.ExcelWriter(path, engine='xlsxwriter') nodes_data['weather data'].to_excel(writer, sheet_name='weather data') nodes_data['timeseries'].to_excel(writer, sheet_name='time series') nodes_data['energysystem'].to_excel(writer, sheet_name='energysystem') nodes_data['sinks'].to_excel(writer, sheet_name='sinks') writer.close()