Source code for program_files.preprocessing.components.Sink

    Christian Klemm -
    Gregor Becker -
import logging
import pandas
from datetime import datetime
from demandlib import bdew
from oemof import solph
from richardsonpy.classes import occupancy, electric_load

[docs]class Sinks: """ Within this class the 'nodes_data' given sinks are created. Therefore there is a differentiation between four types of sink objects to be created: - unfixed: a sink with flexible time series - timeseries: a sink with predefined time series - SLP: a VDEW standard load profile component - richardson: a component with stochastically generated \ time series :param nodes_data: dictionary containing parameters of sinks \ to be created. The following data have to be provided: - label - sector - active - fixed - input - load profile - nominal value - annual demand - occupants (only needed for the Richardson sinks) - building class - wind class :type nodes_data: dict :param busd: dictionary containing the buses of the energy \ system :type busd: dict :param nodes: list of components created before (can be empty) :type nodes: list """ # HEAT SLPS # efh, single family building # mfh, multi family building # HEAT SLPS COMMERCIAL # gmf, household-like business enterprises # gpd, paper and printing # ghd, Total load profile Business/Commerce/Services # gwa, laundries, dry cleaning # ggb, horticulture # gko, Local authorities and credit institutions # gbd, other operational services # gba, bakery # gmk, metal and automotive # gbh, accommodation # gga, restaurants # gha, retail and wholesale # ELECTRICITY SLPS # h0, households # g0, commercial general # g1, commercial on weeks 8-18 h # g2, commercial with strong consumption (evening) # g3, commercial continuous # g4, shop/hairdresser # g5, bakery # g6, weekend operation # l0, agriculture general # l1, agriculture with dairy industry/animal breeding # l2 other agriculture slps = { "heat_slps": ["efh", "mfh"], "heat_slps_commercial": ["gmf", "gpd", "ghd", "gwa", "ggb", "gko", "gbd", "gba", "gmk", "gbh", "gga", "gha"], "electricity_slps": ["h0", "g0", "g1", "g2", "g3", "g4", "g5", "g6", "l0", "l1", "l2"] } def __init__(self, nodes_data: dict, busd: dict, nodes: list) -> None: """ Inits the sink class. """ # Delete possible residues of a previous run from the class # internal list nodes_sinks self.nodes_sinks = [] # Initialise a class intern copy of the bus dictionary self.busd = busd.copy() self.insulation = nodes_data["insulation"].copy() self.weather_data = nodes_data["weather data"].copy() self.timeseries = nodes_data["timeseries"].copy() self.energysystem = next(nodes_data["energysystem"].iterrows())[1] switch_dict = { "x": self.unfixed_sink, "timeseries": self.timeseries_sink, "slp": self.slp_sink, "richardson": self.richardson_sink, } # Create sink objects for _, sink in nodes_data["sinks"].query("active == 1").iterrows(): # switch the load profile to slp if load profile in slps if sink["load profile"] in self.slps.values(): load_profile = "slp" else: load_profile = sink["load profile"] # get the sink types creation method from the switch dict switch_dict.get(load_profile, self.invalid_load_profile)(sink) # appends created sinks on the list of nodes for index in range(len(self.nodes_sinks)): nodes.append(self.nodes_sinks[index]) nodes_data["insulation"] = self.insulation.copy() def invalid_load_profile(self, sink: pandas.Series) -> None: raise ValueError( f"{sink['load profile']} is an unsupported sink type!")
[docs] def calc_insulation_parameter(self, ins: pandas.Series) -> (float, float, list): """ Calculation of insulation measures for the considered sink Temperature difference is calculated according to: .. math:: \Delta T = T_{\mathrm{indoor}} - T_{\mathrm{outdoor}} is only calculated for the time steps in which the \ temperature falls below the heating limit temperature. U-value difference is calculated according to: .. math:: \Delta U = U_{\mathrm{old}} - U_{\mathrm{new}} Calculation of the capacity that can be saved according to: .. math:: P = (\Delta U \cdot \Delta T \cdot A) / (1000\mathrm{(W / kW)}) :params: - **ins** (pandas.Series) - considered insulation \ row :returns: - **ep_costs** (float) - periodical costs of the \ considered insulation - **ep_constr_costs** (float) - periodical \ constraint costs of the considered \ insulation - **temp** (list) - list containing the capacity \ to be saved for each time step """ temp = [] # Extract the days that have an outdoor temperature below the # heating limit temperature. heating_degree_steps = self.weather_data[ self.weather_data["temperature"] <= ins["heat limit temperature"]] # calculate insulation capacity per time step for time_step in heating_degree_steps["temperature"]: # calculate the difference between the outdoor and indoor # temperature temp_diff = ins["temperature indoor"] - float(time_step) # calculate the u-value potential u_value_diff = ins["U-value old"] - ins["U-value new"] # Calculation of the capacity that can be saved. temp.append(temp_diff * u_value_diff * ins["area"] / 1000) # check if there is an insulation potential if len(temp) != 0: # calculate capacity specific costs ep_costs = ins["periodical costs"] * ins["area"] / max(temp) # calculate capacity specific emissions ep_constr_costs = ( ins["periodical constraint costs"] * ins["area"] / max(temp) ) return ep_costs, ep_constr_costs, temp else: return 0, 0, [0]
[docs] def create_insulation_source(self, label: str, bus: str, args: dict ) -> None: """ Create insulation sources for the considered sink "label". :param label: Label of the considered sink. :type label: str :param bus: Bus associated with the sink (input). :type bus: str :param args: Dictionary containing additional arguments. :type args: dict """ # Filter active insulation for the given label active_ins = self.insulation.query("active == 1") filtered_active_ins = active_ins.query("sink == '{}'".format(label)) # Iterate over the filtered active insulation for num, ins in filtered_active_ins.iterrows(): # Calculate parameters for the insulation ep_costs, ep_constr_costs, temp = self.calc_insulation_parameter( ins=ins) # Check if insulation is existing if "existing" in self.insulation and ins["existing"]: ep_costs = 0 ep_constr_costs = 0 maximum = 0 existing = max(temp) else: maximum = max(temp) existing = 0 # Update insulation data with capacity-specific values self.insulation.loc[num, "ep_costs_kW"] = ep_costs self.insulation.loc[num, "ep_constr_costs_kW"] = ep_constr_costs # Create investment object for the insulation investment = solph.Investment( ep_costs=ep_costs, custom_attributes={ "periodical_constraint_costs": ep_constr_costs, "constraint2": 1, "fix_constraint_costs": 0 }, minimum=0, maximum=maximum, existing=existing ) # Add a Source node to the list of energy consumers self.nodes_sinks.append( solph.components.Source( label="{}-insulation".format(ins["label"]), outputs={ self.busd[bus]: solph.flows.Flow( nominal_value=investment, custom_attributes={"emission_factor": 0}, fix=(args["fix"] / args["fix"].max()), )}))
[docs] def create_sink(self, sink: pandas.Series, nominal_value=None, load_profile=None, args=None) -> None: """ Creates an oemof sink with fixed or unfixed timeseries. :param sink: pandas.Series containing information for the \ creation of an oemof sink. :type sink: pandas.Series :param nominal_value: Float containing the nominal demand \ of the sink to be created. Only used if the args \ parameter remains empty. :type nominal_value: float :param load_profile: load Profile contains the time series \ of the sink to be created. This is used for the fixed \ (fix) or the maximum (unfix) time series depending on \ the sink type. Only used if the args parameter remains \ empty. :type load_profile: pandas.Series :param args: dictionary rather containing the \ 'fix-attribute' or the 'min-' and 'max-attribute' of a \ sink :type args: dict """ args = args or {"nominal_value": nominal_value} key = "fix" if sink["fixed"] == 1 else "max" args.update(**({key: load_profile} if key not in args else {})) # Create an oemof Sink and append it to the class internal list # of created sinks self.nodes_sinks.append( solph.components.Sink( label=sink["label"], inputs={self.busd[sink["input"]]: solph.flows.Flow(**args)}) ) # Create the corresponding insulation measures for the sink self.create_insulation_source(label=sink["label"], bus=sink["input"], args=args)
[docs] def unfixed_sink(self, sink: pandas.Series) -> None: """ Creates a sink object with an unfixed energy input and the use of the create_sink method. :param sink: dictionary containing all information for the \ creation of an oemof sink. :type sink: pandas.Series """ # starts the create_sink method with the parameters set before self.create_sink(sink, args={"nominal_value": sink["nominal value"]}) # returns logging info"\t Sink created: " + sink["label"])
[docs] def timeseries_sink(self, sink: pandas.Series) -> None: """ Creates a sink object with a fixed input. The input must be given as a time series in the model definition file. In this context the method uses the create_sink method. When creating a time series sink, a distinction is made between unfixed and fixed operation in the case of unfixed operation, the design range must be limited by a lower and upper limiting time series (.min and .max) in the case of a fixed time series sink, only one load profile (.fix) is required. :param sink: dictionary containing all information for the \ creation of an oemof sink :type sink: pandas.Series """ # Set the nominal value and make the distinction between unfixed # sink (sink["fixed"] == 0) and fixed sink (sink["fixed"] == 1) args = { "nominal_value": sink["nominal value"], **( { "min": self.timeseries[sink["label"] + ".min"].tolist(), "max": self.timeseries[sink["label"] + ".max"].tolist(), } if sink["fixed"] == 0 else { "fix": self.timeseries[sink["label"] + ".fix"] })} # Create the sink using the create_sink method self.create_sink(sink, args=args) # Log the creation of the sink"\t Sink created: " + sink["label"])
[docs] def slp_sink(self, sink: pandas.Series) -> None: """ Creates a sink with a residential or commercial SLP time series. Creates a sink with inputs according to VDEW standard load profiles, using oemof's demandlib. Used for the modelling of residential or commercial electricity demand. In this context the method uses the create_sink method. :param sink: dictionary containing all information for the \ creation of an oemof sink. At least the following \ key-value-pairs have to be included: - label - load profile - annual demand - building class - wind class :type sink: pandas.Series """ # Importing timesystem parameters from the model definition temp_resolution = self.energysystem["temporal resolution"] # Converting start date into datetime format start_date = datetime.strptime( str(self.energysystem["start date"]), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" ) # Create DataFrame demand = pandas.DataFrame( index=pandas.date_range(start=start_date, periods=self.energysystem["periods"], freq=temp_resolution) ) heat_slps = self.slps["heat_slps_commercial"] + self.slps["heat_slps"] # creates time series for heat sinks if sink["load profile"] in heat_slps: # create the demandlib's data set # using the parameters of the heat slps # **() and the building class which is only necessary for # the non commercial slps demand[sink["load profile"]] = bdew.HeatBuilding( df_index=demand.index, **{ "temperature": self.weather_data["temperature"], "shlp_type": sink["load profile"], "wind_class": sink["wind class"], "annual_heat_demand": 1, "name": sink["load profile"], **({"building_class": sink["building class"]} if sink["load profile"] in self.slps["heat_slps"] else {}) }).get_bdew_profile() # create time series for electricity sinks elif sink["load profile"] in self.slps["electricity_slps"]: # Imports standard load profiles e_slp = bdew.ElecSlp(year=start_date.year) # get the electricity demand timeseries and resample it on # the user chosen temporal resolution demand = e_slp.get_profile( ann_el_demand_per_sector={sink["load profile"]: 1} ).resample(temp_resolution).mean() else: self.invalid_load_profile(sink) # starts the create_sink method with the parameters set before self.create_sink( sink, nominal_value=sink["annual demand"], load_profile=demand[sink["load profile"]], ) # returns logging info"\t Sink created: " + sink["label"])
[docs] def richardson_sink(self, sink: pandas.Series) -> None: """ Creates a sink with stochastically generated input, using Used for the modelling of residential electricity demands. In this context the method uses the create_sink method. :param sink: dictionary containing all information for the \ creation of an oemof sink. :type sink: pandas.Series """ # Import Weather Data # Since dirhi is not longer part of the SESMGs weather data it # is calculated based on # # correction by subtracting dhi from ghi # additionally all iradiations are conversed from W/sqm to # kW/sqm ghi = (self.weather_data["ghi"].values.flatten()) / 1000 dhi = (self.weather_data["dhi"].values.flatten()) / 1000 dirhi = ghi - dhi # sets the occupancy rates # Workaround, because only allows a maximum # of 5 occupants nb_occ = min(sink["occupants"], 5) # sets the temporal resolution of the time series, # depending on the temporal resolution of the entire model (as # defined in the input spreadsheet) temp_res = {"H": 3600, "h": 3600, "min": 60, "s": 1} time_step = temp_res.get(self.energysystem["temporal resolution"]) # Generate occupancy object # (necessary as input for electric load gen) occ_obj = occupancy.Occupancy(number_occupants=nb_occ) # Generate stochastic electric power object el_load_obj = electric_load.ElectricLoad( occ_profile=occ_obj.occupancy, total_nb_occ=nb_occ, q_direct=dirhi, q_diffuse=dhi, timestep=time_step, ) # creates time series load_profile = el_load_obj.loadcurve richardson_demand = sum(load_profile) * time_step / (3600 * 1000) # Disables the stochastic simulation of the total yearly demand # by scaling the generated time series using the total energy # demand of the sink generated in the spreadsheet demand_ratio = sink["annual demand"] / richardson_demand # starts the create_sink method with the parameters set before self.create_sink( sink, load_profile=load_profile, nominal_value=0.001 * demand_ratio ) # returns logging info"\t Sink created: " + sink["label"])