Source code for program_files.postprocessing.plotting

    Gregor Becker -
    Janik Budde -
import pandas

[docs]def add_value_to_amounts_dict(label: str, value_am: float, amounts_dict: dict) -> dict: """ Adds the value_am to the given amounts dict by checking if the chosen label is already part of the amounts dict (append) or not (create new dict entry). :param label: dict key which will be updated or added :type label: str :param value_am: value which will be appended to the label's \ list in the amounts dict :type value_am: dict :param amounts_dict: dictionary holding the already collected \ energy amounts :type amounts_dict: dict :return: - **amounts_dict** (dict) - amounts dict after the \ new value was added """ if label in amounts_dict.keys(): amounts_dict[label].append(value_am) else: amounts_dict.update({label: [value_am]}) return amounts_dict
[docs]def get_dataframe_from_nodes_data(nodes_data: dict) -> pandas.DataFrame: """ Within this method the nodes_data DataFrames are combined to one big DataFrame holding all the active components of the studied energy system. :param nodes_data: dictionary holding the model definition's \ spreadsheet data :type nodes_data: dict :return: **-** (pandas.DataFrame) - one big DataFrame holding \ all active components of the studied energy system """ df_1 = None counter = 0 for key in nodes_data.keys(): # extract the relevant frames from spreadsheet and set their # index if key not in [ "energysystem", "timeseries", "weather data", "district heating", "competition constraints", "pipe types" ]: nodes_data[key].set_index("label", inplace=True, drop=False) if counter == 0: df_1 = nodes_data[key].copy() counter += 1 elif counter != 0 and df_1 is not None: df_1 = pandas.concat([df_1, nodes_data[key]], ignore_index=True) return df_1[df_1["active"] == 1]
[docs]def get_value(label: str, column: str, dataframe: pandas.DataFrame) -> float: """ Method to locate the values of a given column from the given dataframe while the row location is driven by the components ID (label). :param label: string holding the component's ID (label) :type label: str :param column: string holding the searched column label :type column: str :param dataframe: DataFrame in which the values will be searched :type dataframe: pandas.DataFrame :return: - **-** (float) - float representing the value of the \ investigated row's (label) column """ value = dataframe.loc[dataframe["ID"] == label][column].values return float(value[0]) if value.size > 0 else 0
[docs]def get_pv_st_dir(c_dict: dict, value: float, comp_type: str, comp: pandas.Series) -> dict: """ This method creates an entry in the dictionary c_dict associated with the cardinal direction for the PV or ST system under consideration and returns it to the plotting. NOTE: This method only works for azimuth between 0° and 360°. Please make sure not to use -180° - 180°. :param c_dict: component dictionary holding the PV or ST \ cardinal specific values :type c_dict: dict :param value: value which will be appended regarding it's \ cardinal direction to the dictionary c_dict :type value: float :param comp_type: String that is used to distinguish whether \ it is a PV or an ST plant. :type comp_type: str :param comp: Series holding the nodes data row of the \ investigated component :type comp: pandas.Series :return: - **c_dict** (dict) - dictionary holding the PV or ST \ cardinal specific values which was updated within this \ method """ dir_dict = { "_north_east": [22.5, 67.5], "_east": [67.5, 112.5], "_south_east": [112.5, 157.5], "_south": [157.5, 202.5], "_south_west": [202.5, 247.5], "_west": [247.5, 292.5], "_north_west": [292.5, 237.5], } not_north = False for dire in dir_dict: if not dir_dict[dire][0] <= comp["Azimuth"] < dir_dict[dire][1]: pass else: c_dict = add_value_to_amounts_dict(label=comp_type + dire, value_am=value, amounts_dict=c_dict) not_north = True # handling north since its between 237.5° and 22.5° if not not_north: c_dict = add_value_to_amounts_dict(label=comp_type + "_north", value_am=value, amounts_dict=c_dict) return c_dict
[docs]def dict_to_dataframe(amounts_dict: dict, return_df: pandas.DataFrame ) -> pandas.DataFrame: """ Method to convert the dictionary with the collected data of a Pareto point to a row of return_df. :param amounts_dict: dictionary holding the previously \ collected data of the energy systems' components :type amounts_dict: dict :param return_df: DataFrame to which the new pareto point's \ row will be added :type return_df: pandas.DataFrame :return: - **return_df** (pandas.DataFrame) - DataFrame \ holding the amounts of the already considered pareto \ points (within this method a new row has been added) """ # summing up the previously collected data of the energy system # components for label in amounts_dict: if label != "reductionco2": amounts_dict[label] = sum(amounts_dict[label]) # convert the dictionary into a pandas Series series = pandas.Series(data=amounts_dict) # append the created series to the pandas Dataframe return_df = pandas.concat([return_df, pandas.DataFrame([series])]) return_df = return_df.sort_values("reductionco2") return return_df
[docs]def create_sink_differentiation_dict(model_definition: pandas.DataFrame ) -> dict: """ use the model_definitions sink sheet to create a dictionary holding the sink's type as well as it's label :param model_definition: sinks sheet of the investigated model \ definition :type model_definition: pandas.DataFrame :return: **sink_types** (dict) - dictionary holding the energy \ systems' sinks types after a distinction based on the \ sector column has been done """ sink_types = {} for num, sink in model_definition.iterrows(): if sink["sector"] == "electricity": sink_types.update({sink["label"]: [True, False, False]}) elif sink["sector"] == "heat": sink_types.update({sink["label"]: [False, True, False]}) else: sink_types.update({sink["label"]: [False, False, True]}) return sink_types
[docs]def collect_pareto_data(result_dfs: dict, result_path: str) -> None: """ In this method, the data is prepared for plotting a pareto curve. :param result_dfs: dictionary containing the energy systems' \ components.csv :type result_dfs: dict :param result_path: path where the pareto plot will be stored :type result_path: str """ # dict containing pareto points data costs = {"monetary": [], "emissions": []} for dataframe in result_dfs: if dataframe != "1": costs["monetary"].append( sum(result_dfs[dataframe]["variable costs/CU"]) + sum(result_dfs[dataframe]["periodical costs/CU"]) ) costs["emissions"].append( sum(result_dfs[dataframe]["constraints/CU"])) else: costs["emissions"].append( sum(result_dfs[dataframe]["variable costs/CU"]) + sum( result_dfs[dataframe]["periodical costs/CU"]) ) costs["monetary"].append( sum(result_dfs[dataframe]["constraints/CU"])) # create pandas Dataframe from results' components.csv points df1 = pandas.DataFrame( {"costs": costs["monetary"], "emissions": costs["emissions"]}, columns=["costs", "emissions"], ) df1.to_csv(result_path + "/pareto.csv")