Source code for program_files.postprocessing.create_results_collecting_data

    Christian Klemm -
    Gregor Becker -
import oemof.solph as solph
from oemof.solph.components import GenericStorage, Link, Sink, Source
from oemof.solph import Bus
from dhnx.optimization.oemof_heatpipe import HeatPipeline
import pandas

[docs]def get_sequence(flow, component: dict, node, output_flow: bool, esys: solph.EnergySystem) -> list: """ method to get the in- and outflow's sequences from the oemof produced structures :param flow: oemof in or output data that essentially represent\ the properties of the edges of the graph. :type flow: or Outputs :param component: energy system node's information :type component: dict :param node: component under investigation :type node: different oemof solph components :param output_flow: boolean which decides rather the \ considered flows (flow) are output flows :type output_flow: bool :param esys: oemof energy system variable holding the energy \ system status before optimization used to reduce the dependency of the correctness of user's input :type esys: solph.EnergySystem :return: - **return_list** (list) - list containing the found \ flows sequences """ return_list = [] flow = list(flow) if len(list(flow)) != 0 else None if flow: # create the index tuple(s) for the flow sequence to be found in # the list of flows attr1 = (str(flow[0].label), str(node.label)) attr2 = (str(flow[1].label), str(node.label)) \ if len(flow) == 2 else () # if the considered flows are output flows revert the tuple # structure if output_flow: attr1 = attr1[::-1] attr2 = attr2[::-1] # iterate threw the created tuples for label in [attr1, attr2]: # search the created tuple in the components sequences if label != (): return_list.append([component["sequences"][(label, "flow")]]) return_list[-1][0] = return_list[-1][0].dropna() # create an empty sequence (timesteps * 0) if the considered # tuple is empty else: return_list.append([len(esys.timeindex) * [0]]) # create two empty sequences timesteps * 0 if the flow parameter is # empty else: return_list.append([len(esys.timeindex) * [0]]) return_list.append([len(esys.timeindex) * [0]]) # return the found sequences return return_list
[docs]def get_flows(node, results: dict, esys: solph.EnergySystem) -> list: """ method to get component's (nd) in- and outflows :param node: component under investigation :type node: different oemof solph components :param results: oemof result object holding the return of the \ chosen solver :type results: dict :param esys: oemof energy system variable holding the energy \ system status before optimization used to reduce the dependency of the correctness of user's input :type esys: solph.EnergySystem :return: - **-** (list) - list of flow series of the \ considered component: [0] inflow 1, \ [1] inflow 2, [2] outflow 1, [3] outflow 2 """ result_list = [] # get component information from the oemof result object based on # their label component = solph.views.node(results=results, node=str(node.label)) # iterate threw in and outputs to get the result's flow sequences # result list [0]: inflow 1, [1] inflow 2, [2] outflow 1, # [3] outflow 2 for flow in [node.inputs, node.outputs]: result_list += get_sequence( flow=flow, component=component, node=node, output_flow=True if flow == node.outputs else False, esys=esys, ) # return the flow series # [input flow 1, input flow 2, output flow 1, output flow 2] return [result_list[0][0], result_list[1][0], result_list[2][0], result_list[3][0]]
[docs]def get_investment(node, esys: solph.EnergySystem, results: dict, comp_type: str) -> float: """ method used to obtain the component's investment, this is calculated differently for storages compared to the other components :param node: component under investigation :type node: different oemof solph components :param esys: oemof energy system variable holding the energy \ system status before optimization used to reduce the dependency of the correctness of user's input :type esys: solph.EnergySystem :param results: oemof result object holding the return of the \ chosen solver :type results: dict :param comp_type: str holding the component's type :type comp_type: str :return: - **-** (float) - float containing the investment \ value of the considered component (node) """ # get the component from the energy system's variables component_node = esys.groups[str(node.label)] # get the output bus which is depending on the component type since # the investment of storages is taken on storage content if comp_type != "storage" and comp_type != "clustered_dh": bus_node = esys.groups[str(list(node.outputs)[0].label)] elif comp_type == "clustered_dh": bus_node = esys.groups[str(list(node.inputs)[0].label)] else: bus_node = None # get the specified flows investment variable if not comp_type == "clustered_dh" \ and "invest" in results[component_node, bus_node]["scalars"]: return results[component_node, bus_node]["scalars"]["invest"] \ if results[component_node, bus_node]["scalars"]["invest"] \ > 0.000001 else 0 elif comp_type == "clustered_dh" \ and "invest" in results[bus_node, component_node]["scalars"]: return results[bus_node, component_node]["scalars"]["invest"] \ if results[bus_node, component_node]["scalars"]["invest"] \ > 0.000001 else 0 else: return 0
[docs]def calc_periodical_costs(node, investment: float, comp_type: str, cost_type: str) -> float: """ method to calculate the component's periodical costs for the first optimization criterion (cost_type = costs) or the second optimization criterion (cost_type = emissions) :param node: component under investigation :type node: different oemof solph components :param investment: float containing the investment value of \ the considered component (node) :type investment: float :param comp_type: str holding the component's type :type comp_type: str :param cost_type: str that makes the distinction between a \ monetary or emissions calculation :type cost_type: str :return: - **-** (float) - float holding the calculated \ periodical costs or emissions """ ep_costs = 0 offset = 0 attributes = { "costs": ["ep_costs", "offset"], "emissions": ["periodical_constraint_costs", "fix_constraint_costs"], } # get the comp_type dependent investment variable from the component # variable (node) if comp_type == "storage": invest_object = node.investment elif comp_type == "clustered_dh": invest_object = node.inputs[list(node.inputs.keys())[0]].investment else: invest_object = node.outputs[list(node.outputs.keys())[0]].investment # if an investment was made in the considered component (nd), # the costs (periodical and fixed) are calculated if investment > 0: ep_costs = getattr(invest_object, attributes.get(cost_type)[0]) offset = getattr(invest_object, attributes.get(cost_type)[1]) if cost_type == "costs": ep_costs = ep_costs.default offset = offset.default if comp_type == "link": return (investment * 2 * ep_costs) + 2 * offset else: return investment * ep_costs + offset
[docs]def calc_variable_costs(node, comp_dict: list, attr: str) -> float: """ method to calculate the component's variable costs for the first optimization criterion (attr = variable costs) or the second optimization criterion (attr = emission factor) :param node: component under investigation :type node: different oemof solph components :param comp_dict: list holding the energy system component's \ information as specified in the main method collect_data :type comp_dict: list :param attr: str defining the cost factor's name to get the \ attribute from the component's data :type attr: str :return: - **costs** (float) - float holding the calculated \ variable costs or emissions """ costs = 0 type_dict = { "inputs": [node.inputs, comp_dict[0], comp_dict[1]], "outputs": [node.outputs, comp_dict[2], comp_dict[3]], } for flow_type in type_dict: for i in range(0, 2): # if the sum of the flow stored in comp_dict 0 to 3 is more # than 0 the sum is multiplied with the for this input/output # defined costs factor which is searched by the method getattr if sum(type_dict[flow_type][i + 1]) > 0: costs += sum( type_dict[flow_type][i + 1] * getattr( type_dict[flow_type][0][ list(type_dict[flow_type][0].keys())[i] ], attr, ) ) return costs
[docs]def get_comp_type(node) -> str: """ method to declare the component type's short form for the list of components (loc) :param node: component under investigation :type node: different oemof solph components :return: **-** (str) - str holding the component's type which \ will be listed in the list of components (loc) """ type_dict = { "<class 'dhnx.optimization_oemof_heatpipe.HeatPipeline'>": "dh", "<class 'dhnx.optimization.oemof_heatpipe.HeatPipeline'>": "dh", "<class 'oemof.solph.components._sink.Sink'>": "sink", "<class 'oemof.solph.components._source.Source'>": "source", "<class 'oemof.solph.components._generic_storage.GenericStorage'>": "storage", "<class 'oemof.solph.components.experimental._link.Link'>": "link", "<class 'oemof.solph.components._transformer.Transformer'>": "transformer", } return type_dict.get(str(type(node)))
[docs]def get_capacities(comp_type: str, comp_dict: list, results: dict, label: str) -> list: """ method to get the components capacity which is component type specific :param comp_type: str holding the component's type :type comp_type: str :param comp_dict: list holding the energy system component's \ information as specified in the main method collect_data :type comp_dict: list :param results: oemof result object holding the return of the \ chosen solver :type results: dict :param label: str holding the label which is necessary to \ determine the storage capacity :type label: str :return: - **comp_dict** (list) - returns the component's \ parameter list after the capacity has been added """ # if component type ist not storage the capacity is rather the # maximum of the first output if there ist one or the maximum of the # first input if comp_type != "storage": comp_dict += [max(comp_dict[0] if sum(comp_dict[2]) == 0 else comp_dict[2])] # if the component type is storage the storage content which is part # of the oemof results object is used to determine the capacity else: component = solph.views.node(results, label) capacity = component["sequences"][((label, "None"), "storage_content")] comp_dict += [capacity] return comp_dict
[docs]def get_max_invest(comp_type: str, node) -> float: """ get the maximum investment capacity for the specified component (nd) :param comp_type: str holding the component's type :type comp_type: str :param node: component under consideration :type node: different oemof solph components :return: - **max_invest** (float) - float holding the maximum \ possible investment """ max_invest = None # get the comp_type dependent investment variable from the component # variable (nd) if comp_type == "storage": invest_object = node.investment else: invest_object = node.outputs[list(node.outputs.keys())[0]].investment # check rather there is an opportunity to invest in the component (node) if hasattr(invest_object, "maximum"): # if yes return the maximum investment capacity max_invest = round(float(getattr(invest_object, "maximum")[0]), 2) return max_invest
[docs]def change_heatpipelines_label(comp_label: str, result_path: str) -> str: """ method used to make the heatpipeline labels easier to read :param comp_label: energy system intern label for the specific \ heatpipeline part :type comp_label: str :param result_path: str holding the algorithms result path used for the energy system's pipes data :type result_path: str :return: - **loc_label** (str) - string containig the easy \ readable label for the list of components (loc) """ if "exergy" in comp_label: # get the energy system's pipes pipes_esys = pandas.read_csv(result_path + "/pipes_exergy.csv", index_col="id") else: # get the energy system's pipes pipes_esys = pandas.read_csv(result_path + "/pipes_anergy.csv", index_col="id") # cut the "infrastructure_ from the pipes label loc_label = str(comp_label)[20:] # get the heatpipes nodes pipe_nodes = loc_label.split("_")[1].split("-") # search for the specified pipe in the list of pipes pipe = pipes_esys.loc[ ( (pipes_esys["from_node"] == pipe_nodes[0] + "-" + pipe_nodes[1]) & (pipes_esys["to_node"] == pipe_nodes[2] + "-" + pipe_nodes[3]) ) | ( (pipes_esys["to_node"] == pipe_nodes[0] + "-" + pipe_nodes[1]) & (pipes_esys["from_node"] == pipe_nodes[2] + "-" + pipe_nodes[3]) ) ] # build the new label for the heatpipe part street = str(pipe["street"].values[0]) loc_label = street + "_" + loc_label # replace forks, producers and consumers by their first letters to # shorten the labels. loc_label = loc_label.replace("forks-", "f") loc_label = loc_label.replace("producers-", "p") loc_label = loc_label.replace("consumers-", "c") # return the new formed label return loc_label
[docs]def collect_data(nodes_data: dict, results: dict, esys: solph.EnergySystem, result_path: str) -> (dict, float, float): """ main method of the algorithm used to collect the data which is necessary to create the results presentation :param nodes_data: dictionary containing all energy system \ components data from the input Excel File :type nodes_data: dict :param results: oemof result object holding the return of the \ chosen solver :type results: dict :param esys: oemof energy system variable holding the energy \ system status before optimization used to reduce the dependency of the correctness of user's input :type esys: solph.EnergySystem :param result_path: str holding the algorithms result path used for the energy system's pipes data :type result_path: str :return: - **comp_dict** (dict) - dictionary containing the \ result parameters of all of the energy system's \ components - **total_demand** (float) - float holding the energy \ system's final energy demand - **total_usage** (float) - float holding the energy \ system's secondary energy demand """ total_demand = 0 total_usage = 0 # dictionary containing energy system components data # label: [flow input1, flow input2, flow output1, flow output2, # capacity, investment, periodical costs, max. investment, variable # costs, constraint costs, component type] comp_dict = {} for node in esys.nodes: if not isinstance(node, Bus): investment = None comp_label = str(node.label) if isinstance(node, HeatPipeline): # make heat pipeline labels easier to read in the list of # components (loc) loc_label = change_heatpipelines_label(comp_label=node.label, result_path=result_path) else: loc_label = comp_label comp_type = check_for_link_storage(node=node, nodes_data=nodes_data["links"]) # get component flows from each component except buses comp_dict.update({loc_label: []}) # get component flows attributes flows = get_flows(node=node, results=results, esys=esys) # append them to the to returned dict comp_dict comp_dict[loc_label] += flows # get the nodes capacity comp_dict[loc_label] = get_capacities( comp_type=comp_type, comp_dict=comp_dict[loc_label], results=results, label=comp_label ) # investment and periodical costs if not ( isinstance(node, Source) and "shortage" in node.label ) and not isinstance(node, Sink): # get investment investment = get_investment( node=node, esys=esys, results=results, comp_type=comp_type) comp_dict[loc_label].append(investment) # get periodical costs periodical_costs = calc_periodical_costs( node=node, investment=investment, comp_type=comp_type, cost_type="costs" ) comp_dict[loc_label].append(periodical_costs) max_invest = get_max_invest(comp_type=comp_type, node=node) comp_dict[loc_label].append(max_invest) # for un-investable components set investment and # periodical costs to 0 in comp_dict else: comp_dict[loc_label] += [0, 0, 0] if not ( isinstance(node, Sink) and node.label in list(nodes_data["sinks"]["label"]) ): # calculate the variable costs of the first optimization # criterion variable_costs = calc_variable_costs( node=node, comp_dict=comp_dict[loc_label], attr="variable_costs" ) comp_dict[loc_label].append(variable_costs) # calculate the variable costs of the second optimization # criterion constraint_costs = calc_variable_costs( node=node, comp_dict=comp_dict[loc_label], attr="emission_factor" ) # if there is an investment in the node under investigation # calculate the periodical costs of the second optimization # criterion if investment: constraint_costs += calc_periodical_costs( node=node, investment=investment, comp_type=comp_type, cost_type="emissions" ) # append the costs of the second optimization criterion to the # dict to be returned comp_dict[loc_label].append(constraint_costs) else: comp_dict[loc_label] += [0, 0] total_demand += sum(flows[0]) if isinstance(node, Source): if (node.label in list(nodes_data["sources"]["label"]) or "shortage" in node.label): total_usage += sum(flows[2]) if isinstance(node, Sink) and "excess" in node.label: total_usage -= sum(flows[0]) # get the component's type for the loc comp_dict[loc_label].append(get_comp_type(node=node)) return comp_dict, total_demand, total_usage