Source code for program_files.postprocessing.create_results

    Christian Klemm -
    Gregor Becker -

import logging
import pandas as pd
from oemof import solph
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import os
from program_files.postprocessing.create_results_collecting_data \
    import collect_data
from program_files.postprocessing.create_results_prepare_data \
    import prepare_data

[docs]def xlsx(nodes_data: dict, optimization_model: solph.Model, filepath: str ) -> None: """ Returns model results as xlsx-files. Saves the in- and outgoing flows of every bus of a given, optimized energy system as .xlsx file :param nodes_data: dictionary containing data from excel \ model definition file :type nodes_data: dict :param optimization_model: optimized energy system :type optimization_model: oemof.solph.model :param filepath: path, where the results will be stored :type filepath: str """ results = solph.processing.results(optimization_model) # Writes a spreadsheet containing the input and output flows into # every bus of the energy system for every timestep of the # timesystem for i, b in nodes_data["buses"].iterrows(): if b["active"]: file_path = os.path.join(filepath, "results_" + b["label"] + ".xlsx") node_results = solph.views.node(results, b["label"]) df = node_results["sequences"] df.head(2) with pd.ExcelWriter(file_path) as writer: # doctest: +SKIP df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=b["label"]) # returns logging info" " + "Results saved as xlsx for " + b["label"]) # Bus xlsx-files for district heating busses results_copy = results.copy() components = [] # iterate threw result keys to find district heating buses for i in results.keys(): if "tag1=" not in str(i): results_copy.pop(i) # determine only the district heating buses from result_copy for i in results_copy.keys(): if i[0] not in components and i[0] is not None: if "bus" in str(i[0]) and "dh_source_link" not in str(i[0]): components.append(i[0]) if i[1] not in components and i[1] is not None: if "bus" in str(i[1]) and "dh_source_link" not in str(i[1]): components.append(i[1]) for component in components: # renaming label for better file names label = str(component).replace("infrastructure_heat_bus", "dh") label = label.replace("consumers_heat_bus", "dh") label = label.replace("producers_heat_bus", "dh") file_path = os.path.join(filepath, "results_" + str(label) + ".xlsx") node_results = solph.views.node(results, str(component)) df = node_results["sequences"] df.head(2) with pd.ExcelWriter(file_path) as writer: # doctest: +SKIP df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=label) # returns logging info"\t Results saved as xlsx for " + str(label))
[docs]def charts(nodes_data: dict, optimization_model: solph.Model, energy_system: solph.EnergySystem) -> None: """ Plots model results in- and outgoing flows of every bus of a given, optimized energy system (based on matplotlib) :param nodes_data: dictionary containing data from excel \ model definition file :type nodes_data: dict :param optimization_model: optimized energy system :type optimization_model: oemof.solph.Model :param energy_system: original (unoptimized) energy system :type energy_system: oemof.solph.Energysystem """ # rename variables esys = energy_system results = solph.processing.results(optimization_model) for num, bus in nodes_data["buses"].iterrows(): if bus["active"]:'\t ' + 56 * '*')" " + "RESULTS: " + bus["label"]) bus = solph.views.node(results, bus["label"])"\t" + bus["sequences"].sum()) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 5)) bus["sequences"].plot(ax=ax) ax.legend( loc="upper center", prop={"size": 8}, bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.4), ncol=2 ) fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.7) esys.results["main"] = solph.processing.results(optimization_model) esys.results["meta"] = solph.processing.meta_results(optimization_model) esys.dump(dpath=None, filename=None)
[docs]class Results: """ Returns a list of all defined components with the following information: +------------+----------------------------------------------+ |component | information | +------------+----------------------------------------------+ |sinks | Total Energy Demand | +------------+----------------------------------------------+ |sources | Total Energy Input, Max. Capacity, | | | Variable Costs, Periodical Costs | +------------+----------------------------------------------+ |transformers| Total Energy Output, Max. Capacity, | | | Variable Costs, Investment Capacity, | | | Periodical Costs | +------------+----------------------------------------------+ |storages | Energy Output, Energy Input, Max. Capacity,| | | Total variable costs, Investment Capacity, | | | Periodical Costs | +------------+----------------------------------------------+ |links | Total Energy Output | +------------+----------------------------------------------+ Furthermore, a list of recommended investments is printed. The algorithm uses the following steps: 1. logging the component type for example "sinks" 2. creating pandas dataframe out of the results of the optimization consisting of every single flow in/out a component 3. calculating the investment and the costs regarding the flows 4. adding the component to the list of components (loc) which is part of the plotly dash and is the content of components.csv :param nodes_data: dictionary containing data from excel \ model definition file :type nodes_data: dict :param optimization_model: optimized energy system :type optimization_model: oemof.solph.Model :param energy_system: original (unoptimized) energy system :type energy_system: oemof.solph.Energysystem :param result_path: Path where the results are saved. :type result_path: str :param console_log: boolean which decides rather the results \ will be logged in the console or not :type console_log: bool :param cluster_dh: boolean which decides rather the thermal \ network was spatially clustered or not :type cluster_dh: bool """ results = None esys = None comp_capacity = None df_list_of_components = None df_result_table = None def __init__( self, nodes_data: dict, optimization_model: solph.Model, energy_system: solph.EnergySystem, result_path: str, console_log: bool, cluster_dh: bool, ): """ Inits the Results class. """ # remove all old entries from method intern variables investments_to_be_made = {} # define class variables self.esys = energy_system self.results = solph.processing.results(optimization_model) # collect the energy system results which have to be extracted # from the component specific result object comp_dict, total_demand, total_usage = collect_data( nodes_data=nodes_data, results=self.results, esys=self.esys, result_path=result_path ) ( loc, total_periodical_costs, total_variable_costs, total_constraint_costs, df_result_table, total_demand, ) = prepare_data(comp_dict=comp_dict, total_demand=total_demand, nodes_data=nodes_data) # SUMMARY meta_results = solph.processing.meta_results(optimization_model) meta_results_objective = meta_results["objective"] # Importing time system parameters from the model definition ts = next(nodes_data["energysystem"].iterrows())[1] temp_resolution = ts["temporal resolution"] start_date = ts["start date"] end_date = ts["end date"] df_summary = pd.DataFrame( [ [ start_date, end_date, temp_resolution, round(meta_results_objective, 2), round(total_constraint_costs, 2), round(total_variable_costs, 2), round(total_periodical_costs, 2), round(total_demand, 2), round(total_usage, 2), ] ], columns=[ "Start Date", "End Date", "Resolution", "Total System Costs", "Total Constraint Costs", "Total Variable Costs", "Total Periodical Costs", "Total Energy Demand", "Total Energy Usage", ], ) # Dataframes are exported as csv for further processing loc.to_csv(result_path + "/components.csv", index=False) df_result_table = df_result_table.rename_axis("date") df_result_table.to_csv(result_path + "/results.csv") df_summary.to_csv(result_path + "/summary.csv", index=False)" " + "Successfully prepared results...")